Impulse for your month

Hello November! It's official: The days are getting shorter and the temperatures are dropping. The last trees are ridding themselves of their leaves and shower the world in a colorful mess. All you might want to do is light a candle and cuddle up on the couch with some hot chocolate or a tea. Because the darker it gets outside in winter, the more you crave light. Daylight, the lamp in your living room or a candle - we need light.
This month's devotional fits this light theme pretty well. In 2 Peter 1:19 the Bible says:

"And we have something more sure, the prophetic word, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts."

This verse talks about something way more precious than just light though. It talks about the power of the Word, which can light up your heart. If you carry God's message in your heart you will be a guiding light for people in a dark place. To be that light you don't even have to preach all the time. You just have to display and carry on God's love. People will notice. And they will be lifted up. All you have to do to shine as a light is to keep the message of Jesus Christ in your heart, realize his love is for you and everyone and cherish this gift of love. Especially now that winter is coming and Christmas is right around the corner it is a good thing to do so. Share the love. And you will put light in other peoples hearts as well. Because we all need that light. 
Have a blessed month!
